D.I.Y. Vertically Inegrated Produce Storage System (Hanging Fruit Basket)

Some days play out like the first half of an infomercial:  Dramatic black-and-white scenes, filmed with a hand-held camera, slowed down for effect when the spaghetti sauce splats against the wall, or the blender explodes asseenonTVwith green glop.  A woman — mild-mannered, but desperate — struggles to get dinner on the table, amidst of a landscape of dirty dishes.  The wild-haired children shriek for food. The husband repeatedly stabs at his watch with an irate index finger as if to say, “Woman, I’m gonna be late for my important after-dinner business meeting!”

Yet again, dinner is ruined. Social services are called.  Divorce papers are filed.  Country club memberships are quietly revoked.

All because the kitchen counter was over-run with bowls of fruit. 

Picture 036

An uncensored picture of my actual kitchen counter yesterday, in dramatic infomercial black-and-white.

Are you, too, feeling overwhelmed with the amount of precious space your family’s fruit bowls are taking up on the kitchen counter? Are you constantly misplacing your fruit? Are you embarrassed that you have less counter space than your friends? Do you need that counter for half-used bottles of sunblock, unpaid bills, bike lube and cell phone chargers?

Then you need a Vertically Integrated Produce Storage System (VIPSS), also known as a Hanging Fruit Basket.

Sure, you could just hop on over to your nearest BloodBath & Beyond and buy a new fruit basket, but where’s the fun in that? Making one out of junk and spray paint will take way longer, but leave you much more fulfilled.

Two to four thrift store baskets, any color and shape
Spray paint
Flimsy chain
Plant hanger, plus screws for hanging
Pliers and drill

STEP ONE: Go to the thrift store and gather up any kind of wire basket.  Don’t be afraid to explore a variety of shapes and sizes.  I recommend bringing along a helper.  At my local Village Discount Outlet, a fellow shopper WILL steal your cart if you leave it alone for more than a few minutes. Luckily, the same does not apply to my 4-year-old, or her basket collection.
Picture 003STEP TWO:  Cut off the tags and give your baskets a long soak in some hot, soapy water.  This will dissolve any dirt or dust and also eliminate the thrift store cooties (real or perceived).
Picture 005STEP THREE:  Let the baskets dry and take them outside. Apply several thin, even coats of spray paint in the color of your choice, and let dry for at least 24 hours before the next step.  I chose white because it is safe, and matches the fridge. Also, you can’t buy spray paint in Chicago, and the hardware store we visited in the suburbs caused the part of my brain that controls risk taking in color choices to backfire.Picture 010(Much later you may realize that it’s the 21st Century and you could have just ordered the damn paint online.)

PRO TIP: If you let your bowls dry overnight in the dining room, you may wake up to find they have been re-purposed by other family members for crayon storage and stuffed animal beds.
Picture 020STEP FOUR:  While the paint dries, visit your local hardware store and grab about six feet of metal chain, preferably the lightest, most pliable chain they have, and one with open loops. You’ll need to open those links easily with a pliers.


Several different employees at the Home Despot made a joke about me using the chains to restrain my children. Classy!

Also, grab a plant hanger if you don’t have one.  Since my store only carried black, I whipped out the spray paint and gave it a quick coat of white to match.Picture 026

STEP FIVE:  Line up your baskets in the proper order, with the smallest on top and largest on bottom. Calculate how much room you want between the baskets. At this point, chain links are your new measure of length.  For example, I used 12 links between the bottom basket and the second-to-bottom basket.  Keep notes on how many links you use for each basket to achieve balance between the sides and prevent unsightly fruit tipping.  Hook the chains onto two sides of the basket, using the pliers to open and close chain links as necessary.
Picture 031STEP SIX: Carefully evaluate your kitchen real estate for a hanging location, noting sources of heat and light.  For example, my first choice location gets blasted by heat from a radiator in the winter, and from the east/south facing window in the summer.  So, we settled on this dark, overlooked corner, just north of the recycling bin and west of the Art Bulletin Board.
Picture 043STEP SEVEN:  Before you drill, decide which family members should have access to the fruit.  In my house, there is a certain short individual that is addicted to bananas.  In a move that now seems akin to torture, we put the bananas just inches out of his reach.
Picture 060STEP EIGHT:  Perhaps you have recently suffered a rib contusion and been told by your doctor to avoid lifting or reaching. Ask your handsome husband to drill the hanger for you, and listen to him complain about how badly-placed the drill holes are.



STEP NINE: Hang your baskets and fill them with all the fresh, organic, locally-grown produce that you wished you actually ate.
Picture 053

8 thoughts on “D.I.Y. Vertically Inegrated Produce Storage System (Hanging Fruit Basket)

    • Good question. Mostly out of laziness. It doesn’t take much measuring or calculation to determine two equidistant points on a basket, and most of the baskets we found at the thrift store already had little handles on the sides that I pulled off (but used for determining where to hook the chains). So far, the two-chain system is structurally sound. Or maybe my fruit isn’t challenging enough?


  1. Pingback: Late Modern Mid-Century Makeover: Two-Toned Credenza | projectophile

  2. Thoroughly enjoyed your project description & I thought your writing was clever, witty & I had to take a moment to say thank you for taking the time to write for all your readers how to assemble a one of a kind fruit/veggie hanger/holder/VIPSS(lol). Happy Sunday, hope your day is good. Be well & please keep sharing your ideas. Sincerely, Ash


  3. Just have to comment and say this made me laugh and helped me with what I needed. The pics are such a great added touch. Honestly I want to be able to write like u do, I forgot why I came here for a min. Haha Loved it


    • Thanks for visiting and for your kind words, Crystal. I’m glad you liked it. Sadly, this basket didn’t survive the move to our new/old house, but we now have a dedicated shelf for produce, and for some reason, also tortilla chips. I guess tortilla chips are too delicate and precious to be shoved into the cabinet with the cans and bottles.


  4. I live in an apartment where I can’t drill into the walls

    I’ve been scouring the internet for an approximation of about how much these fruit baskets weigh and what sort of capacity hooks or something that won’t leave permanent marks in my walls will be able to hold.

    But key word searches like “how much does a basket of onions weigh” or “fruit basket capacity weights” hasn’t wielded good results.
    The obvious answer, depends how many onions and how many baskets. But just a ball park idea is better than me just holding the basket and guessing (I have no clue, it weighs less than me, but more than a cup of coffee)

    Do you know about how much weight one of these baskets should be able to hold?

    Do you have any keen suggestions for what to do if you can’t drill into the wall or ceiling?



    • Just ask the maintenance guy what the actual color of the wall paint is, write down the color for later. When you are going to move out, go get a gallon of the paint (less if someones didn’t mosh into the wall when you had the after party from that rock band over after the show) and fix it before you leave. These landlords that don’t let you call your house a home are pithy. The painters that do our apartments actually gave me a small can of the paint. I’m good to go. Rock on!


What do you think?